Wednesday 17 March 2010

5 Ways to Control Hypertension

As you probably know, Hypertension is a condition that’s needs to be taken very seriously. It makes the heart work much harder than normal, and as such is a condition which needs to be prevented if possible.

Here, I am going to tell you 5 ways you can control Hypertension, or better still, prevent it in the first place.

Cut down on salt

Salt is present in lots of foods nowadays, and adding some more may make your food taste nice, but salt can increase your blood pressure, so it is best to either cut back on the amount you put on your food, or cut it out altogether.

Watch what you eat

Fast food is everywhere. It is convenient, cheap and it tastes good, but will wreak havoc on your blood pressure. This is definitely best avoided, as it is generally full of salt sugar and fat.

Quit Smoking

Smoking really is bad news, as it can not only make hypertension worse, but it can also cause lung disease, several forms of cancer, stroke and peripheral arterial disease.

Cut down on the alcohol

Ok, so most people like a drink, and this can actually be beneficial, but only if practised in moderation, like a lot of things in life.

Exercise more

Exercise is very important in living life to the full, and will make you feel much better about yourself. It also gives the heart a good workout, and helps to lower your blood pressure over time.

So, you now know the 5 ways to control hypertension. It is important you follow the above advice, and continue to do so. Always start off gradually when beginning something new to do with your health, but the most important thing is, actually start!

Monday 15 March 2010

High Blood Pressure Cures

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High Blood Pressure is very common these days, and also very dangerous.  It is therefore very important you find out about high blood pressure cures before it is too late.

 The usual causes for high blood pressure are obesity, stress, smoking, bad diet and not enough exercise.

 So, what are the best high blood pressure cures available?

The usual causes for high blood pressure are obesity, stress, smoking, bad diet and not enough exercise.

  1. Lose weight.  This may seem obvious, but the more you weigh, the more strain you are putting on your heart and circulatory system with every activity you do.  This means that even low effort activities such as walking can be making your heart work much harder than it should do.

  1. Cut out stress.  Modern living creates a lot more stress than life used to.  Everything is done at a much faster pace, and everyone is in a big hurry to get around and get things done.  Try and relax more and organise your schedule better so you can avoid getting stressed.

  1. Stop smoking.  Smoking is bad for you, as most people know.  It is especially bad for you heart and lungs, clogging your arteries and making it more difficult for your heart to pump blood round your body.  As if you needed another reason to quit!

  1. Eat healthy.  Having a good balanced diet is good for us anyway, and will really help you lower your blood pressure.  This is because you will be getting all the nutrients you need, and also with the right foods be able to lower your cholesterol.

  1. Regular exercise.  Exercise will always be good for you, as it releases endorphins which make you feel good.  It also gives your heart and lungs a workout, however you should go steady, especially if you haven’t exercised for a while.  As having high blood pressure is so hazardous to your health, it is definitely in your best interests to learn how to get it reduced as soon as possible.  Your life could depend on it!